Section: Dissemination

Scientific popularisation - media

The Shamash project and the activities related to microalgae have generated many articles and broadcasts in the media: The most important newspapers are "Le Monde" (La recherche francaise pour les carburants extraits de microalgues, 24th-25th July, 2011),"Nice matin" (Des algues au coeur de l'OIN), "20minutes" 'Des chercheurs azuréens veulent mettre des algues dans votre moteur, October, 27th 2010), etc.

P. Bernhard has taken a large part in the “culture scientifique” program of INRIA, towards the public at large and also more specifically aimed at high school pupils. In this program, he gave conferences on optimal foraging theory, evolutionary biology, game theory, Wardrop equilibrium and Braess Paradox in road trafic and behavioural ecology, at Lycée Aubanel, Avignon, (February 3, 2 conferences), Lycée Amiral de Grasse, Grasse, (March 18), Lycée Audiberti, Antibes (May, 10) Lycée Simon Veil, Valbonne-Sophia Antipolis, (May 23) Lycée Matisse, Vence, (October 11, 2 conferences) and Lycée Marcel Pagnol, Marseille, (Nov 10). He also hosted highschool pupils at INRIA (June, 30, 2 conferences), hosted students from “classes préparatoires” at INRIA to help them set up their “Travaux d'Initiative Personnelle Encadrés” (December 9), and gave a conference to highschool maths teachers in a program ran by INRIA to help them embrace new highschool programs in computer sciences (January 26).

In another science popularization program, he gave a conference at Cannes Université (March 9) on “Mathematics in every-day life”.

At the request of Fondation Sophia Antipolis, he gave a conference to Bahrain students visiting Sophia Antipolis (July 19) on “The role of mathematical modelization for the decision makers: the example of the Braess paradoxe in road trafic”.

As president of PERSAN (Pôle Enseignement Recherche de Sophia Antipolis et Nice) until March, 2011, he organized together with Pascale Limozin the “Printemps des Chercheurs” in Grasse, (May 21-22)

After he left the chairmanship of Persan, he was named by the new chairman to (continue to) represent PERSAN at the Scientific Board of the “(Syndicat de préfiguration du) Parc Naturel Régional des Préalpes d'Azur”.